Friday, January 30, 2009

Sunday Scribblings - Regrets - 1/30/09

Skooter and I are off to North Carolina to meet my new granddaughter Sophie,

but this prompt, regrets, caught my eye and I had to make a comment, however brief and inconsequential, before we crank up the IPOD and drive north.

I do not have regrets. They are counterproductive. I know I have made lots of mistakes in my life but if I had it to do over again and did not make those particular blunders I would make others equally as grievous. No, it is better to look forward than dwell on the past.

There are certain things I would do differently. I would apply myself academically. I would be a better son, father, and friend. I would take the harder road versus the easy one. I would take better care of myself. I would ………….. Shit. I guess I do have regrets. Sonofabitch!!!!!!

Can you regret that you have regrets?


Anonymous said...

Ha! This is funny! Started out sentimental and deep and ended funny. Love ya. Carly

Understanding Alice said...

regret the regrets... I think its probably healthy :)

Redheels said...

Great post! It made me laugh.

Regrets, I think we all have them.

Michelle said...

Yes, I regret having regrets! Most definitely!

tsduff said...

Of course I have regrets... but I'm not sure if given the chance that I would know what to do instead. The choices I have made along the way were all mine - can't blame anyone else.

I love Skooter - he is my newest blogging fav. Have a good trip. My newest grandson (number 2) will be born next month. Can't wait.

paisley said...

and it sounds so right and so logical,, and i know i should follow your lead and will try but damn.. for me it is so much easier said than done.... have a great time with the new grand baby......

linda may said...

back to pester you again, did you read Gautami's entry?
Regret the regrets but don't take too long over them mate. :)
Was that 55 worder one of those. I liked that, but it was a bit serious for you.

Forgetfulone said...

I was gonna say I admire living your life without regrets... then, you admit you're just like one of us! It'd be nice to live regret-free.

Granny Smith said...

I love the poster! I agree that it's good to keep looking ahead. Still,...

qualcosa di bello said...

welcome to the "north"...we're glad to have ya! what a dear sweet grandbaby! pretty much all the regrets i can think of pale in comparison to a beautiful new baby! :D give skooter an ear scratch for me!

Andy Sewina said...

Nicely told, I guess we're all in the same boat - but some of us are sinking!

Tumblewords: said...

A person without regrets is probably a hermit. Darling granddaughter, bet Skooter'll love her. And you might, too! :) Great post -

Go Figure said...

Never regret anything because it was exactly what you wanted...hmm. The point about it being exactly what I wanted, is what I regret.

Larraine said...

Yeah, me too! That's why I decided just to say "no regrets" because otherwise I would never be able to stop. Enjoy your new granddaughter!

Anonymous said...

i think that we all have regrets - if we don't we've probably lost huge chunks of self in the life journey!!!

Patois42 said...

Although my even briefer post might indicate otherwise, I've really no regrets. Sure, I've made mistakes. But I yam what I yam.

Safe trip.

Roan said...

Congratulations on that gorgeous little Sophie. Loved the lighthearted post.

Anonymous said...

Regrets -- soooooooo counterproductive. We all fly by the seat of our pants a lot of the time. Because we do, we make whatever decision we do at that point in time we are presented a situation. The fact that you regret can't know that you might regret it until it's done and over. So, move on, learn and make the next mistake. They will occur until the day we die. And some of them sure were fun. co

Anonymous said...

Regrets along with so many other pieces of you are what make you, uniquely you. What matters is that you love who you are at this very moment. And, I believe you do! Blessings to you, your family, and especially that new grandchild!

Michelle said...

Sophie as a doll!! Congrats!!!!!