Thursday, October 8, 2009

55 Flash Fiction Friday - Retribution - 10/8/09

Each week G-Man of 55 Flash Fiction Friday entices us to compose a story using exactly 55 words. I challenge you to give it a try.

Timmy’s “step-dad” was drunk again. He could hear the blows, his mom’s pleadings. Tomorrow, dark glasses, makeup, and sleeves would cover the damage.

Cesar’s words: “neutered dog equals better dog.”
The monster would pass out soon.

Timmy made a practice swing with the 7-iron. He eyed the driver, smiling grimly. "Let the big dog eat".


Brian Miller said...

whew. tight 55. i work with kids that have been abused...i imagine many of them have dreamed these words at some point.

Alice Audrey said...

Oh boy. I suspect that will wake him up, Timmy.

Orionsbow said...

Man. Powerful stuff. A final solution. And Martina sang, "...roll the stone away, it's Independence Day". Sometimes the "RIGHT" thing is not the "BEST" thing. Thanks for a different look at justice.

Anonymous said...

Powerful and frightening ~ for all concerned. Well delivered.

My 55 is up HERE. Enjoy your weekend.

Chef Kar

clean and crazy said...

Reminds me of a past life. great 55

Head Cookie said...

Very emotional post. Have a great weekend. My post is up

g-man said...



There's our Rick that we know and love...EXCELLENT 55!!!

The true gist of the challenge!

Thanks for playing, and have a kick-ass week-end...G

Dr.John said...

Great 55
I had a friend who hit his father with a baseball bat. This reminded me of that.

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Great one! Or should I say....OUCH!!!!! mines up...

Maude Lynn said...


Bubbie said...

Glad I found your blog. You don't look in your 50's at all! I wonder what compelled your Flash 55.

Forgetfulone said...

Wow. Really conveys a mood.

Christy Woolum said...

Retribution.... excellent 55. I am always concerned about the Timmys in these violent relationships.