Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Loss of a Friend - 11/15/09

Today, I watched a lady visiting the dog park with her dog for the last time. Punk is 18, and his quality of life is reduced to such that the humane act for Cathy is to have him put to sleep. The procedure is to be done tomorrow. So she brought him by the dog park so he could say goodbye to his friends, canine and human.

On the way home Skooter interrupted his commitment to hanging out the window to bark at arbitrary motorcycles and pedestrian dogs to see what was wrong with me. He licked at the tears on my face before laying down with his head on my leg, comforting me. Dogs know. These lines were running through my mind.

Goodbye dear friend. My life was enriched by knowing you. Through the years there were many times when I felt unloved by my fellow humans, but there was never a moment that I doubted your love, which you gave unconditionally. Though human friendships often come with motive, you had no agenda other than to bring happiness into my empty life.

The one constant in my ever-changing life was your ability to make me smile.
Though sometimes you begged for my attention,you never reserved yours nor rationed it. You could sense when I was playful and when I just needed to sit quietly.

I have had human relationships of which I cannot recall names or faces.
But your sweet face is forever etched into my mind’s eye. Though the world is a lonely place, you never allowed me to feel solitary. I hate that you are leaving me now but I know it is your time. As with all good things, you were gone too soon.

I will say I am never getting another dog. But I will and I will love it just as I do you. It will never replace you but will help to ease the pain I feel today.
There are those that will never understand the total devastation of losing you.
I feel sorry for them.


Anonymous said...

Well that is certainly heart breaking. I don't know that I could do what that lady did and take my dog for one last visit anywhere. Although the only dog I ever had to put down, I couldn't even take to have it done. So sad! Love ya. Carly

Lena said...

:o( <-- nuff said.

orionsbow said...

Well, I have managed to soak another t-shirt sleeve. It never ceases to amaze me that such profoundly moving and thoughtful words come from such a big ole burly guy. I suppose that sometimes God, when bestowing gifts, realizes that he may have gotten a bit liberal with some of his, for instance. Then he sees that such an abundance of endowments can be of great benefit to mankind if the right person is selected to manage them. Thus is the case with you. I imagine that God smiles a lot when he checks in on you. Thanks.

myrtle beached whale said...

Mike, I think I am proof that God has a sense of humor. Me and the platypus.

Shammi said...

You made me cry like a baby! :(

Anonymous said...

There are I times that you break out of that surly shell of yours and allow people a glimpse into what a softy you really are. While I was allowed brief visits by that gentler man I oftened couldn't fathom why he wouldn't come forward more. I am glad your writing allows more frequent visits from him. I will never forget one such visit. I went to answer the door and there you stood with this goofy look on your face. All you said was,"This time I didn't ask." Out from behind your back, barely covering your baseball mit sized hand came a teenie, 5 week old, black and tan Doxie. For Kristen, as you know - she named her Suzie - we all loved her so much. You are lucky to have that companionship with Skooter and for that I fully understand being crazy Beagle man. I would be cray doxie woman in a minute given the chance. You my good man certainly are an enigma.clo

myrtle beached whale said...

I am an enigma wrapped in a mystery.

Anonymous said...

Well said Rick - Nomar had given us such joy. B man would have loved him. When I think of B, Nomar rests his big head on my lap and senses my pain. He just sits and then there is the wiggles. It is time to play. Miss you, my friend, my fellow-dog lover.

Anonymous said...

Rick, I am so glad that you are Skooter's Dad. I think it's a match made in heaven!